Are You Waiting for Your Life to Happen?
Are you waiting for something to happen to change your life or are you choosing to make it happen?
I was stuck in a rut for many years…day job, home, sometimes acting in local theatre productions, but that’s about it. I was bored, not dating and finally got to the point I wanted more.
If you want more – – – – take it step by step…
1st step…What do you want? Really look at your life. Where do you want more? Your job, your love life, where you live, travel possibilities…maybe just how to spend your available hours.
2nd step…Decide what area and then concentrate on what you can do to make it better, more interesting, fun, or whatever you’re looking for. I decided I wanted a life purpose and put my attention on that, getting clear on my intention and starting classes in life coaching, intuitive reading and a new energy modality I hadn’t heard of before; Marconics.
You can consciously create your life. You don’t have to sit back and wait for it to happen to you. In acting they say to make the strong or bold choice. Life coaching and energy work were natural to me and a choice that brought me joy and felt like I was making a difference.
Life is too precious and too short to waste it waiting for something to happen. Find a way to embrace life. Choose whatever makes your life fuller, richer and worth living. It’s the least you can do for yourself.
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