Are you hard on yourself and your own worst critic?  The answer is probably yes. Most of us are hard on ourselves in one way or another.

If your life isn’t exactly the way you want and you know what you want, it’s because you are limiting yourself in some way.

Do you think you aren’t good enough, not attractive enough, not worth it…pick one. Even the most confident among your acquaintances is hiding what makes them feel small, or less than.  Maybe they compare themselves to others and feel lacking, or maybe they just compare themselves to where they think they should be…either because others, like parents, had high expectations, or they themselves simply had a vision and haven’t achieved it yet.

You are not alone. You are not a horrible person or the only person who hasn’t achieved their dream.

Listen to yourself talk.  Try to catch those negative critical moments.  Enlist your friends or family to point out when, if necessary, so you can replace that harsh self-criticism with kinder thoughts and words.  You hopefully wouldn’t say these things to those you love, so if you boost yourself up, you truly will start to be your own best friend, instead of your harshest critic.


Are You Your Own Worst Critic? — No Comments

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