How are you doing this Christmas season?  Are you, or someone you know saying – stop the world I want to get off!  Sometimes it gets too much because we feed into the commercialism and the expectations of others, and sometimes it gets too much because we are alone or things have happened that make us lose our heart and our Christmas spirit all year round.  Where do you fit?  How about your loved ones?

If you don’t like, or get overwhelmed at Christmas, stop and reflect for just a moment.  You truly do know why this is the case.  You can choose to find your joy again, to find that spirit that is what Christmas is all about, and even take it into the New Year and the rest of your life.  It may or may not take work, but it is soooo worth it!

So let’s look at the why.  Examine it even if it’s painful just for a second.  Is this feeling serving you?  Even if it is a death or a terrible betrayal – or if it is feeling lonely because your family is all gone or far away – is your life better for the feelings and attitude you are having?  Would it be better if you could let those feelings go and replace them with gratitude, peace or joy?  It is easy to look at someone else and say – hey, snap out of it! – but when someone says it to us….watch out!!  We need to stay where we are…well, as long as we need to stay there.  But if you are ready, really ready, to take your life back and find your joy and Christmas spirit, you can do it!!

I recommend then taking a test step to see how you feel.  Wherever you are that feels safe, close your eyes and then smile; quiet your mind for just a moment (you can do it!) and focus on an energy power center about 3 inches above your belly button.  Feel the quiet and the peace flooding into that spot.  If joy doesn’t flood in as well, relive one moment when it did.  If you can do that you can have joy and peace filling your life on a regular basis.  Just keep extending that moment by a minute until you feel it kicking in more and more often in your regular, eyes open, life.  The trick is not to let any circumstances yank you out, and if they do, to go back to that still small moment that can make a huge difference.

There are lots of ways – but why don’t you start with realizing that you have the power to be whoever you wish to be, so if you do want to move forward into a better place, you can!!!  The decision is the first step.  If you feel overwhelmed, get help from a therapist, a coach or a guide if you need to – a neutral third party is great if you have the right fit.

It may take work and time, but it is SO worth it to give yourself this gift, so you can become your most authentic, beautiful self.  And if you add gratitude even the smallest thing that you love about your life, or about your past into the mix, you will quantum leap your progress.

A truly Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone from my open and joy-filled heart to yours.


Do You Say BAH at Christmas? — No Comments

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