Focus!! Focus on Your Goals!!!!!
When my mind was wandering in school the teacher always told me – Focus! Focus!!
Are you getting an “A” in life? Or are you wandering in circles doing the same thing but not finding your dream? Personally I didn’t even have a dream beyond some vague idea. My first step was realizing that I felt like I was wasting my life and not accomplishing anything, which started with a vague unease that my life could and should be more.
But where do you go from there? I tried doing all sorts of things to move myself along including wishful thinking about the relationship I wanted; classes, both spiritual and college-type; church; talking to friends; you name it.
I finally realized that trying to change my life by “doing” without any clear destination and a plan to get there, I was wandering around in circles. So now what, I asked myself? Ahhhhh. First, who do I want to be? Who would I need to be in order to feel fulfilled and find joy, and yet still be in my integrity?
When that became clear, the what to “do” next part to change my life, came more and more into focus……hmmmm… teachers certainly had that right! Are you focusing on the goal that brings you joy right now? Do you know who you want to be??
Focus!! Focus on Your Goals!!!!! — No Comments
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