What does selfcare mean to you?  To me it means ways to get refreshed and energized.  It can be a bubble bath at the end of the day; a walk in some gorgeous nature area; getting a massage; putting my feet up and doing a jigsaw puzzle with popcorn, wine and some chocolate, or just sleeping in on the weekend.  How do you get refreshed and reenergized?  And do you take the time to do it?

With all of our busy schedules, where do you get the time?  Or do you?  People with spouses, children, dependent siblings or parents, or friends who need help, or jobs that are not your typical 9 to 5 make things really difficult to take care of you.  We may feel guilty carving out time for ourselves when so many people may depend on us or demand our time.  Do you think of taking time for you as being selfish?  Or perhaps someone in your life says that to you?

A question for you if that’s the case – what are you like when you don’t take the time for yourself?  Are you exhausted?  Cranky?  Have less patience?  Do you snap at people?  Get ulcers from holding everything in?  Or are you happy, easy to get along with and the best you that you can be?  Probably not, huh?

Please realize that when you can take time for selfcare you will be making everyone happy in the long run.  You’ll feel more refreshed, have more energy, and a better outlook and temperament.  So look into what you can do to start fitting a little selfcare into your schedule.  Can you start with 10 minutes here or there?  Maybe meditation is your thing, or getting into the garden and pulling some weeds.  Maybe a bubble bath after the kids go to bed for 30 minutes with a good book and a glass of brandy is your thing.  After you take a few minutes here and there, try to make it more consistent and then stretch out the time however much you are able.  Contemplate what would reenergize and refresh you and then make a plan of action.  You deserve it!!  And you’ll feel so much better when you make this decision.


Selfcare is NOT Selfish! — 1 Comment

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