What Does it Take to be a Survivor?
Life can seem so difficult sometimes. We feel like we’re walking a tightrope or thrash about when hard times happen, but somehow most of us make it through. Some people seem to move through it with grace, while others…not so much. We whine and complain, get angry and grieve…so many emotions.
Many times acceptance is pivotal, and sometimes it takes awhile to get there. By taking a breath, having a meditation to connect to source, or screaming into a pillow over the injustice to release the emotions that keep us stuck…or maybe all of those…it will enable us to think straighter and find the peace we need to make whatever decisions are next.
However you get through it, how you come out the other side is the key. Being bitter or staying stuck in the aftermath of your difficulties will push everyone away from you. Knowing that there’s a lesson in every situation, figuring out what it is and then growing from it will make your life happier and shift you at depth. Sounds good, but how do you do that?
First, honor yourself for all those emotions that come up, whether it’s fear, worry, anger, confusion…honor yourself for being human. Give yourself a little time to work through them, whether physically by punching a bag or a pillow or talking things out with a doctor, a therapist, a life coach, a friend or a member of the clergy. And then, from a clear space and with the help of someone else if you need to, look at whatever lessons you could learn from this while making any decisions you have to make about the situation.
Many times a survivor will say that the difficult time was what changed them deeply and made their life so much more beautiful. They may treat themselves better or the people around them because they learned whatever it was they needed. And most often the situation doesn’t repeat itself.
We all can be a survivor, but finding that peace, that strength from inside or beyond are what makes surviving easier. If we refuse to give up or get mired into the fear or worry when life throws us a curve, we won’t just survive, we’ll thrive.
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